Thank you for supporting Shiny Garden’s mission!
There are multiple ways you can help support us, which include:
- Use the form below to make a one time donation;
- Use the form below to become a regular donor (check out the information below for benefits!);
- Sponsor part or all of a Shiny Garden event!
Recurring Donors and Major Donors
A Regular Donor or Recurring Donor is someone who has set up regular donations, such as ACH or sending in a check.
Regular Donors are the backbone of almost every successful nonprofit organization.
To thank our Recurring Donor “Club”, we will be thanking all donors of $5/month or more with the following perks:
- Club Communication (email) twice/year from the Chair and/or Exec Director
- Special badge ribbon at events
- An annual event, starting in 2018 to give our donors some time to interact with the people running the organization. Must be an active recurring donor at time of event.
A Major Donor is someone who has donated to Shiny Garden over $1000 between January 1 and December 31.
To our Major Donors, we offer the following:
- $5,000 donation – Donor plus 3 invitation to a catered event; 4 weekend passes to all Shiny Garden events for the following 12 months; and a VIP bag at each major* event.
- $1,000 donation – One weekend pass to all Shiny Garden events for the following 12 months. VIP bag at each major event.
* Major Events for 2018 are HexaCon, WhimsyCon, and Westercon/MALCon.